Eligible fields include: Aeronautics and aeronautics and astronomics/aeronautical engineering, agriculture (theoretical or research-based focus only), astronomy/planetary sciences, biology, biomedical engineering, chemistry, computer sciences/engineering, energy, engineering (electrical, chemical, civil, mechanical, ocean, and petroleum), environmental science/engineering, geology/earth and atmospheric sciences, information sciences and systems (engineering focus only), materials science/engineering, mathematics, neuroscience/brain and cognitive sciences, oceanography, public health (theoretical research focus only) and physics.

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be citizen of Nigeria and must apply through the U.S. Mission Public Affairs Sections in Nigeria. Applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree with a First Class or very strong Second Class Upper before applying. Applicant must be proficient in English with a recent TOEFL score of 85 or higher in the Internet based Test (iBT) format. A nominee is expected to achieve a GRE General Exam quantitative score of at least 700. (Note: a GRE Subject Exam score report will also be needed for all selected candidates in the following fields of study: biology; biochemistry, cell, and molecular biology; chemistry; computer science; mathematics; and physics. GRE subject testing occurs in October and November of each year.)

APPLICATION PROCEDURES:  Each applicant will be required to submit an online application at along with all supporting documents. Applicant logs onto the website, then enters an e-mail address and creates a password, which would be used throughout the application process.

A complete application includes:
An online application which includes:
A clearly written research objective
A professional resume Three letters of reference specifying the personal, academic and professional competence of the candidate (submitted electronically and attached to the online application)
Official (or scanned and attached to the online application; official paper transcripts should also be sent at a later date) academic  transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended
TOEFL and GRE score reports.
Hard copies of official academic transcripts and other supplementary documents should be forwarded to our office by regular mail. Please address the envelope to: FS&T Program Officer, Public Affairs Section, U.S. Consulate General, 2 Walter Carrington Crescent, Victoria Island, Lagos.
Please note that the STRICT deadline for submission of online application and all supplementary documents is Friday, April 1, 2011 by 12 noon.
For more information, please check the program website at
