The Best Time to Start was Yesterday (Part 1 &2 )

Part 1

Procrastination is the thief of time. What should be done today should not be delayed till tomorrow. Today is the tomorrow spoken about yesterday. I know you have several ideas on your mind at the moment. For instance, for quite some time you have been dreaming about starting that business of yours or perhaps it is that your book which you are yet to write. Whatever it is that you have on your mind, you must know that nothing moves unless it is moved. In fact, Newton’s law of motion states that every object will remain in a position of rest unless an external force is applied to it. The external force in this sense is YOU. You need to do something about that idea of yours. You must take the first step. After all, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step in the right direction. So, start now.

Part 2

In Part 1 of this piece, I emphasized the fact that what could be done today should not be delayed till tomorrow. Should you still be at sea with the essence of this article, let me quickly share this experience with you. In January, 2010, I told a colleague about a publisher in Germany. This firm publishes academic works free of charge with royalty paid at the end of the year. While my colleague is yet to come up with a single manuscript as at the time of writing this piece because he keeps on postponing sending his work to the outfit, yours sincerely has published two books already with the firm!

The challenge with my colleague is that he is waiting for “the right time” to publish his masterpiece. My fear for him however is that he does not wait forever. I am certain that several masterpieces are wasting away at the cemeteries because they were never written! In a nutshell, you need to know that no one will celebrate you for what you would have done. You will only be celebrated for what you did. The best time to act on your idea was, indeed, yesterday.

Isaac Oluyi is a motivational writer and speaker based in Nigeria. He speaks and writes on attitude, self-discovery and wealth creation. Isaac is the Administrative Officer at the National Centre for Technology Management at Obafemi Awolowo University.

By Isaac Oluyi

Isaac Oluyi, change agent, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship educator and motivational speaker, is the Chief Executive Officer of Sourcerite Farms, an integrated farm that is environment-friendly. He is an advocate of entrepreneurial leadership, a leadership that proffers solutions to societal problems without waiting for government. He can be reached on 08060702979 or via


  1. Isaac, you’re really speaking to me. Procrastination is my major disease. I’m getting up right now to do something. Thank you for that

  2. I like this article. Procrastination is a disease most Africans have. The remedy is just to stand up and do it now!

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