Egypt Showed That True Sovereignty Lies With The People But Other Nations Should ‘Glocalize’ Their Situations

History was made last week in Egypt when the incumbent President Hosni Mubarak after what has been described as an ‘unprecedented protest’ which lasted for about two weeks finally in a press briefing declared he was quitting office. Presently, Egypt’s national administration is temporarily in the hands of the military until fresh elections are conducted to… Continue reading Egypt Showed That True Sovereignty Lies With The People But Other Nations Should ‘Glocalize’ Their Situations

The End of Dynastic Presidential Politics in Africa?

René Dassié The political ambitions of Gamal Mubarak who is widely tipped to succeed his father Hosni, president of Egypt, is looking particularly grim following recent events in the north African country. In Senegal, another possible handover from President Wade to his son, Karim, has aroused strong criticism. A rejection that could be extended to… Continue reading The End of Dynastic Presidential Politics in Africa?