Lighting Up in the Morning and Cancer

People who smoke soon after getting up in the morning are more likely to develop cancer than those who light up later in the day, say US researchers. A study of 7,610 smokers, published in the journal Cancer, said the effect was independent of other smoking habits. Smoking in the first 30 minutes after waking… Continue reading Lighting Up in the Morning and Cancer

Booze it and risC it

A new research establishes that ‘excessive’ drinking raises the risk of some cancers. The study which is reported in the British Medical Journal looked at 363,988 people and found that 10% all cancers in men and 3% in women were caused by alcohol consumption, either present or in the past. The study found that men… Continue reading Booze it and risC it

Huge Marijuana Plantation Discovered in South Africa

Sakhile Modise Police discoveries of marijuana plantations are becoming common in South Africa as hardly a week goes by without police “stumbling upon” them. A recent police bust saw the arrest of teenage growers of the illicit plant. Thursday another huge plantation was discovered. On Thursday (February 10) police in Pretoria stumbled upon a two hectare marijuana… Continue reading Huge Marijuana Plantation Discovered in South Africa