We’re in to Fight it, Congolese Women tell Rapists in Protest

Congo Rape protest

The  first lady of the the Democratic Republic of Congo’s has led thousands of women on a march against sexual violence.

Many of them carried banners with slogans such as “No to sexual terrorism”, according to the AFP news agency.

It is reported that some of the victims left the hospitals where they are recovering from sexual assults to join the march. Rape is a common episode in the African country and is even being used as a war tactic

Last week, the UN said government troops were raping and killing women in the same villages where hundreds were raped by rebels in July and August.

Bits & Pieces from the AP, BBC, AFP News and VOA.


By Kwabena A-Manager

Kwabena, is the founder of Give Back Africa Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to helping kids from underprivileged communities realize their potential. He is a scientist in Pharmaceutical Research & Development. To support his charity, please visit http://givebackafrica.org

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