The Kind OF Rebranding Africa Needs

The last decade witnessed the resurgence of the buzz-word ‘rebranding’ in major African nations. From South Africa to Malawi, from Kenya to Nigeria, the story was the same. We witnessed rebranding jingoes and colorful advertisements from country to country but after all these years, have these rebranding efforts achieved their intended missions? Africa has come… Continue reading The Kind OF Rebranding Africa Needs

The Black woman’s new look

"Naked woman, black woman. Dressed in your color that is life, in your form that is beauty!", reads the famous line from Leopold Senghor’s Femme Noire. And yet, day in day out, the man regarded as one of the most revered African intellectuals of the last century is ridiculed down to his toe nails. Natural… Continue reading The Black woman’s new look

How do we say your name?

In this article, I will be discussing some of the problems those of us who are ‘unlukcy’ to bear African names in the West go through. If you are lucky to be called John or Harriet, this will probably not make much sense to you. But I know to most of us it will. First… Continue reading How do we say your name?