Health Experts Warn Against Drug Resistance Super-Bugs

Global health experts said on Thursday that the world’s most powerful drugs are losing the battle against drug-resistant strains of malaria, HIV, gonorrhea and tuberculosis According to Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, antimicrobial resistance is robbing us of the certainty that antibiotics will always be there to fight… Continue reading Health Experts Warn Against Drug Resistance Super-Bugs

Global Action on Malaria Resistance Urgent, WHO

The WHO has launched a worldwide ‘call to action’ to governments, agencies, researchers and non-governmental organisations over the malaria parasite’s growing resistance to the most potent weapon against it — the drug, artemisinin. If recently discovered resistance spreads, said the WHO, the formidable successes of anti-malaria campaigns in recent years will be threatened. Artemisinin lies… Continue reading Global Action on Malaria Resistance Urgent, WHO