Female circumcision and Ugandan politics

(A comprehensive discussion of female genital mutilation is available here) Although Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM) has been condemned by international bodies as an abuse of human rights, a vast majority of people from the Sebei tribe in Uganda still practice the dangerous tradition. Despite the practice having been banned outright in the eastern African country… Continue reading Female circumcision and Ugandan politics

Good African Leaders

Who are they and how do we get them? By Dr. Wafula Okumu.   For forty years or so, African leaders have played a pivotal role in derailing the economic and political stability of the countries under their stewardships. In half the period of colonial rule, they have indulged in a reckless game of financial… Continue reading Good African Leaders

Mass circumcision in South African Prisions

South African prison ask to be circumcised An incredible number of prisoners in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province are calling upon the authorities to circumcise them to help combat the spread of HIV. Health authorities say they have had more people wanting to be circumcised than their resources can manage and are overwhelmed. World Health Organization… Continue reading Mass circumcision in South African Prisions