Beyond Showing Up: Did You Change the Outcome?

It’s tempting and comforting to put in an appearance and do what is anticipated of you: nod, take notes, and enjoy the refreshments and leave. Being negative should not imply actively pulling down only. If you’re not putting in the effort to add something, it’s equivalent to actively taking something away. It hurts all of… Continue reading Beyond Showing Up: Did You Change the Outcome?

Being Smart Is Not Good Enough for Today

Yesterday, being smart was good enough. Today, the landscape is different. The business environment has evolved and become super competitive. The world is moving faster than we can cope. Today, being smart is not adequate. You got to be getting smarter each day. It is only by stretching yourself and exploring opportunities for continual improvement… Continue reading Being Smart Is Not Good Enough for Today

Giving Back Is Noble, But Is it Motivated by Pity or Empathy?

Giving back to the community is a noble thing, but a ‘giving back’ that is inspired by a mere feeling of pity for the other folks accomplishes little, in fact, it may do more harm than good. Pity makes you impose yourself on the people and prescribe to them your solutions. Empathy gets you into partnership with the people and communities to solve problems.
Before you embark on any volunteer program, community service, charity project, clarify whether it is driven by pity or empathy.

Don’t Give it, Go First and Receive Feedback

Individual like you and me originate actions that spice up life but being a ‘starter’ is not always fun. Going first can be risky because it frequently attracts criticism and judgment, and to many of us, that is enough reason not to take the lead.

Generally, we are giving feedback, judging, or criticizing or we are receiving feedback, being judged or being criticized. In order to achieve you full growth potential, you must find opportunities to both give and receive feedback or criticism. Giving feedback comes naturally; doing the thing that will place you at the receiving end, that is, going first doesn’t come naturally. Many of us work to avoid that.

The Emerging, Booming, Rising Stories of Africa: Hype or Hope?

Recent editorials on Africa are catchy, grizzly, and even sexy. They come with unique calming aroma. The continent is emerging, booming, rising. The middle class is bulging. So I visited. What I saw is what you will see if you do. The headlines are true for Lagos, Accra, and Addis Ababa, but they are far from the reality in the fringes, the outskirts of the countries. Are the rising, booming, and emerging stories and editorials a hype or hope?