New scientific finding on mosquitoes is not good news on the malaria front

The research team of researchers from the University Of Notre Dame, the J.C. Venter Institute, Washington University and the Broad Institute are reporting that two strains of mosquitoes responsible for malaria in Africa are evolving at an unexpected rate into genetically distinct species. This is not good news as it will further complicate the tedious… Continue reading New scientific finding on mosquitoes is not good news on the malaria front

Africa Command: Opportunity for Engagement or the Militarization of U.S.-Africa Relations? Dr Wafula Okumu

 Background Until recently, Africa has not been strategically attractive to the U.S.  This is partly because U.S. interests in Africa had not been clearly defined and it had no bureaucratic structure to manage those almost nonexistent interests. For a long time, the strategic thinking has been that the U.S. has “no compelling interests in Africa”… Continue reading Africa Command: Opportunity for Engagement or the Militarization of U.S.-Africa Relations? Dr Wafula Okumu

Does Civil Rights Equal the Right to Be Scared of Other People?

If  like most minorities, you are wrestling with uncomfortable stereotypes, prejudice and bigotry, someone who was once a civil rights activist is making the fight appear fruitless. It is said that if you live in glass house, do not be the first to throw a stone. Juan Williams, a long time respected NPR analyst did… Continue reading Does Civil Rights Equal the Right to Be Scared of Other People?