When Will Might Make Right End?

So many times in our political life in the world the issue of might makes right takes precedence over logical reasoning. When George Bush launched his offensive on Saddam Hussein, it was the refusal of Saddam to destroy his “weapon of mass destruction”. The American leader, George Bush believed strongly Saddam’s refusal would have hindered the peace in the world. The entire world organizations were against the United States of America attacked on Iraq. The Americans exerted all their might to the extend they witnessed Saddam being executed. The entire scenario was might makes right. No country in the world would have executed such a notable task.

Realistically, the world politics gives credence to the United Nations decision especially once it is supported by the super power of the world, the United States of America. No country dares to violate the decision of the Security Council members. Whether you are right personally, they have the decision of right in the world body politics. Can you imagine the world has considered AIDS as the only major disease in the world that needs serious attention? Disease has been considered “POLITICAL DISEASE”.

During the course of the cold war, they were right when they were supporting insurgents throughout Africa trying to get support. Ambassador Herman Cohen stated that they provided so much money to Samuel Doe to have an easy passage of support to Jonas Savimbe. The Liberian route was the direct conduit for Jonas operation.

Let me ask few questions on the issue of Charles Taylor.

  1. How was Charles Taylor released from the United States of America prison to prosecute civil war in Liberia?
  2. Why the United States government did not turn Charles Taylor over to Samuel Kanyan Doe?

They were right for releasing Taylor because there was an interest at stake that needed solution.

Today, they are interacting with a rebellious government in Libya because their interest is to get Ghaddafi out of power and ensure that a government that suits their interest takes the mantle of power. The issue of interacting with rebel government is justifiable. In fact, the Secretary of State of the United States of America has asked African government to renounce diplomatic relationship with Libya simply because of their interest. This is might makes right. The Liberian President broke the diplomatic relationship in England during a state visit. The African Leaders cannot fight against the powers because of the limited might they have. It will not be possible for any country in the world to invade the United States of America to arrest a criminal, only the USA can execute such a function in any part of the world. See how bin laden was arrested and killed. They have no regret for the action because they have the might all times to protect their interest.

What has strengthened the issue of might makes right is the concept of dependency syndrome. Too many times African and developing countries relied on the super power for every substantial capacity that will develop them. In spite of the resources in these African countries they are still depending on the super power in the world to make decision for them. There are cases where the leaders of these countries exploit their own home land and deposit it in these countries to live well with their families. How will might makes right not be strengthened? Might makes right can gradually end when the African and developing leaders allow rationality and commitment prevail in the execution of their functions.


By Romeo Gbartea

Romeo is a researcher and a former lecturer at the University of Liberia. He served as a Project Officer for the Special Emergency Life Food Program. He worked with many humanitarian organizations during the Liberian civil conflict and served as an Advisor on the Comprehensive Peace Process of Liberia.

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