I Thought of AIDS as a Gay Man’s Disease and I was Neither a Man nor Was I Gay

Ray Jordan, Michelle Anderson is a mother, an activist, and a recent beauty pageant winner. However, she is more than that. She’s also one of the thousands of African American women living with HIV/AIDS. While HIV and AIDS was once considered to be a White gay male disease, the face of HIV has shifted dramatically… Continue reading I Thought of AIDS as a Gay Man’s Disease and I was Neither a Man nor Was I Gay

Today in fashion: Flatter your face with earrings

by KATE HALIM Do you believe that wearing a pair of earrings could flatter your face? There are few women who have perfect face shapes, others who are not so lucky think of changing their hair styles often to make them look great. Earrings are a popular piece of jewellery and it is essential to… Continue reading Today in fashion: Flatter your face with earrings